Tuesday 18 October 2011

Pumpkin Carving!

Your Commuter Dons, in collaboration with RJ 4, are holding a FREE Pumpkin Carving party on Monday, October 24 from 3:00 - 5:-00 in the Cat's Eye!

The pumpkins you carve will be featured around Vic throughout the week!

There will also be FREE Halloween candy, refreshments, and other festive treats for you to enjoy!

Please email vic.commuter.don@utoronto.ca to register, guaranteeing a pumpkin for yourself or a group. Do so quickly as there are a limited number of pumpkins available!

Friday 14 October 2011

"The Departure Gate" Leadership Development Contest

Vic is pleased to be collaborating on an exciting development initiative for students.

On October 29th, Vic will be hosting the "The Departure Gate":

The Departure Gate will feature four of Canada's best speakers and facilitators (three of them have been featured at TEDx conferences) providing a day dedicated to helping students explore their passions through a series of short keynotes, and three highly interactive workshops that focus on personal leadership, organizational leadership, and societal leadership.

"The Departure Gate" offers an opportunity to provide students with a full day of development, including meals, for only $65.00 (which is 45% off what will be the regular price of $100 a participant).
To register: www.thedeparturegate.ca

We are also giving away 10 FREE spots to Victoria College students.
If you would like to attend "The Departure Gate" for free - 
Tell us; 
"What is your passion?" 
"What motivates you to learn, to do, and/or to contribute to the community around you?"

Submit an art piece (drawing, video, photograph) or a written piece (song,
paragraph, poem) by Monday
October 24 at 5pm to kristina.minnella@utoronto.ca

Life After Vic: Science Reception

Event date: Wednesday, October 26, 2011, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: Alumni Hall.

On October 26, 2011, students who are studying science are invited to the Science Edition of Life After Vic.
Life After Vic is a professional networking opportunity for students who are thinking about their next steps. Students are able to meet and mingle with recent Victoria College graduates who studied science during their time at Victoria College and learn about their paths after their time as Victoria College students.
Refreshments will be served.
This event is FREE and is open to ALL Vic students.
Space is limited.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Continue Lounging!

Our weekly "Lounging in the Lounge" mini-socials will continue every Monday from 2pm-4pm in the Commuter Lounge (Birge Carnegie 4) throughout October. So come hang out with your Commuter Dons, grab some free cookies and tea while you're there, and we'll have a good time!

Hope to see you Monday!

"The Life and Times of Vic Students" Photography Contest

Your Commuter Dons have teamed up with Victoria's own photography club, VicXposure, in the hosting of a photography contest open throughout October!


Ever see students studying in the quad? Playing ball? Just sitting? Studying in Pratt? Submit a photo that captures what you think the life of a Vic student is.

These are the life and times of Vic students!


The WINNING submission will be blown-up, framed, and installed in the Commuter Lounge and will remain there for the duration of the year. Stay tuned for more information regarding Prizes.


You will find the pictures on Vicxposure's Facebook page!

All photographs submitted will find a home in the Commuter Lounge, on display for all students to enjoy. Submissions will be displayed on a rotational basis (depending on how many submissions are received).

EVERYONE IS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE! Both commuters and residents.

1. Maximum of 5 submissions per person.
2. You can submit pictures to SUBMITVICXPOSURE@GMAIL.COM until the 24th of October!
3. You and your friends can vote until the 31st of October!
4. Invite all your friends to submit pictures and vote!