
Nyiri DuCharme is studying Political Science, Sociology, and European Union Studies. She has always lived in east Toronto, except for a year abroad on academic exchange at the University of Edinburgh, UK. 
Having both lived in residence and commuted throughout her time at Vic, Nyiri knows the ins and outs of being a student at the most beautiful college on campus. Come by and ask about studying the social sciences, international opportunities on campus, or anything else! Oh, and her favourite mode of transportation is the subway.

Thamy has always been a commuter! Come by and ask about studying life sciences, the First-year Learning Communities (FLC) program, or anything else! Thamy's favourite mode of transportation is the TTC bus.

Megan Tangney is studying English, Renaissance Studies, and Art History. Although she grew up in a small town north of Toronto, she is now commuting from just a few steps away in downtown. Megan also spent a year in residence, in the VicOne program. Come by and ask about studying humanities, navigating student associations, information on getting involved in clubs and levies, or anything else! Megan's favourite mode of transportation is walking.