Wednesday 4 April 2012

Last Office Hour Reflections

Hey guys! Matteo here,

As I begin my last office hour (and the last scheduled office hour for the current Commuter Don team) I cannot help but reflect on what a great year we've had together as well as get excited in anticipation for what I'm sure will be even bigger and better things to come next year and beyond!

We hope you have found something positive in the programs and services we've offered you this year - be it through attending one of our events, seeking guidance on a particular issue, or simply stopping by the office or Lounge for a friendly chat. I know we have had a wonderful time being your Commuter Dons over the past 7 months and we hope you feel the same.

We would like to thank all those who have offered constructive feedback as to what worked and what didn't work with the Commuter Don Program this year. The Commuter Dons are still a relatively new initiative here at Victoria University and we have taken your feedback into account and are hoping to further shape this evolving program in response to your appraisals, grievances, and suggestions.

We are leaving you in more than capable hands and I am confident that next year's Commuter Don Team - in the form of Mark Duncan, Katie Johns, and Christianne Johnson - will do great things with the Program, furthering the initiatives started by their precursors while at the same time introducing some of their own - including facilitating the new and exciting Victoria Commuter Connections Program.

While the new team does not officially start their term until September, this is the last week of employ for the current Commuter Dons. We hope you all have a studious exam season and a relaxing and enjoyable summer break. This year has been a blast for us and we are excited and eager to see the Commuter Don Program continue to evolve and expand in the years to come.


Matteo Pirri
Jennifer Banh
Ekaterina Turlova
2011/2012 Commuter Don Team