Wednesday 10 October 2012

Mental Health Month Activities

Hi Everyone,
As many of you may be aware, October is Mental Health Awareness month. Today is a big online event called #Me2UofT. Check it out by typing in the hashtag to twitter. Basically if you have a question about mental health or how to survive UofT you can post your question there and have an upper year student answer it for you. So far some of the tips have been pretty cool.

The next big event is the Laughing Like Crazy Comedy Showcase in the Cat's Eye at 6:30pm. It's a group of comedians who have experienced mental illness and use this as an opportunity to share their experiences in a very funny way. I've been to something similar in the Bader, and it was honestly one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Stay tuned for more on mental health awareness this month!
- Mark

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Tune Your Brain - Peak Performance for Students

Anyone who missed last week's seminar, or would like a copy for their use can find Dr. Taverna's slides through my highly underdeveloped web page:


P.S. If the webpage changes I will do my best to edit the link above.

Monday 24 September 2012

Feed Your Mind

Hey Everyone,
It's been almost a week since our last event and we already have another in the works. The second in our series of seminars on the science of studying is called Feed Your Mind and is lead by Mary Scourboutakos, a vic alum who is now pursuing her masters with the Department of Nutritional Sciences. She will be sharing her knowledge about what (and how) to eat to maximize your GPA!

Join us in EM119 at 4pm on Tuesday October 2nd.

Also notes from the last session will be available shortly (you can't upload pdf files to blogger)! So I need to upload it to my UofT webspace or another first.


Thursday 20 September 2012

To all our LGBTQ commuter students, this is just a quick reminder that Queer Orientation begins on St. George campus today! You can check out all the events here:

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Office Hours Change

Mark Duncan will be unable to attend his office hours from 4-6pm on the 19th due to a conflicting appointment. He will be making these up at a later date this month. To set up an appointment with him this week email mark.duncan(at)

Monday 17 September 2012

Academic Performance Booster Reminder!

Hey Everyone,
Just a quick reminder that we have a very special session for everyone tomorrow (Tuesday) in EM119 at 4pm on improving your academic performance. More info is in the previous post.

The facebook page is here:

- Mark

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Upcoming Events (Yea yea)

Hey Everybody! I just want to put some events on your radar that I wish I had the opportunity to go to in my first year (and fourth!). Both are conveniently located in EM119 (that's Emmanuel College):  

1) Victoria College Commuter Connections - Mentorship Program Kick-off  

If you are new to Vic and would like to meet some senior students at the college and in your program this is the right place to be on a Friday evening. We have a group of 2nd-4th year students who would love to share their wisdom and guidance with some first year students in the Victoria College Commuter Connections program! So if you want a leg up in your studies and social experience come check us out in EM119 on Friday September 14th. Dinner is provided (BONUS!!!)

 Facebook details:

2) Tune Your Brain - Maximum Academic Performance 

On Tuesday Sept 18th at 4pm in EM119 we will be hosting a very special seminar lead by UofT grad and neuroscientist Dr. Franco Taverna. He will be leading a short seminar on performance enhancement in academics, specifically he will be teaching scientifically proven techniques to increase your performance on tests. Everyone is welcome to join and light refreshments will be served.

The facebook page is here:

- Mark