Tuesday 11 September 2012

Upcoming Events (Yea yea)

Hey Everybody! I just want to put some events on your radar that I wish I had the opportunity to go to in my first year (and fourth!). Both are conveniently located in EM119 (that's Emmanuel College):  

1) Victoria College Commuter Connections - Mentorship Program Kick-off  

If you are new to Vic and would like to meet some senior students at the college and in your program this is the right place to be on a Friday evening. We have a group of 2nd-4th year students who would love to share their wisdom and guidance with some first year students in the Victoria College Commuter Connections program! So if you want a leg up in your studies and social experience come check us out in EM119 on Friday September 14th. Dinner is provided (BONUS!!!)

 Facebook details: http://bit.ly/VCCC_Mentor

2) Tune Your Brain - Maximum Academic Performance 

On Tuesday Sept 18th at 4pm in EM119 we will be hosting a very special seminar lead by UofT grad and neuroscientist Dr. Franco Taverna. He will be leading a short seminar on performance enhancement in academics, specifically he will be teaching scientifically proven techniques to increase your performance on tests. Everyone is welcome to join and light refreshments will be served.

The facebook page is here: http://bit.ly/TuneYourBrain

- Mark