Tuesday 4 September 2012

Mark's Commuting Pro-Tip #1

Hi Everyone,
As I write this I’m currently sitting in the Commuter Lounge (Birge Carnegie 4 FYI) doing my very first office hours of the year.  As part of Orientation each of us will be doing a very special 1h office hour for anyone who would like to visit their commuter dons before the school year begins. If you missed me but still want to see one of us, you’ll be able to Visit Katie tomorrow (Wednesday) from 1:30-2:30pm, or Christianne on Thursday from 12pm-1pm in the Commuter Lounge.

It’s kind of a rainy day so I can’t blame anyone who has voted to stay inside rather than venture out into tumultuous Toronto today. However, some of you – like me –had no choice and better yet, you had to walk through a torrential downpour because the TTC is fickle at best (15min wait at Spadina & Dundas are you kidding me). So those of you who are sopping wet and still out and about I applaud you and empathize all too well. There are, however, ways to at least mitigate the downsides of weather and other unexpected events, which just involves a little bit of preparation – what I like to call my commuter preparedness kit (CPK).
Your CPK may vary from day to day, and some of what I recommend may not benefit everyone but this is what I’ve found useful: 

1) Pair of extra socks – good for rain days
2) Pair of extra underwear
3) Extendable umbrella 
4) TTC tokens/$20 bill for emergency transport
5) Plastic Bag for wets 
6) Travel package of wet-wipes (available at shoppers drugmart) 
7) Travel Package of Facial Tissue 
8) Tylenol (Optionally compliment with: Tylenol Cold & Sinus)
9) Bandages (for blisters and random cuts)
10) Tide to go stick

With these 10 items tucked away in your backpack you’re pretty much able to MacGuyver your way out of almost anything and all-in-all it takes up very little space.

Now if you’re feeling really fancy or if you’re doing a lot of extracurriculars I recommend renting a locker somewhere.  Vic has a bunch of lockers available for rent through VUSAC. I personally prefer to rent at one of the gyms because it’s closer to my classes and it reminds me to go to work-out. If you do decide to grab some real estate on campus I’d recommend keeping an extra shirt and an extra pair of pants on campus. Nothing ruins your day like having to wear a shirt all day with a coffee stain on it from the ride in.

That’s all I have for now. If this is your first year commuting, I wish you luck and I hope that this pro-tip helps. If you’re a veteran commuter let me know if there’s anything you personally like to keep in your CPK that I may have missed.