Wednesday 10 October 2012

Mental Health Month Activities

Hi Everyone,
As many of you may be aware, October is Mental Health Awareness month. Today is a big online event called #Me2UofT. Check it out by typing in the hashtag to twitter. Basically if you have a question about mental health or how to survive UofT you can post your question there and have an upper year student answer it for you. So far some of the tips have been pretty cool.

The next big event is the Laughing Like Crazy Comedy Showcase in the Cat's Eye at 6:30pm. It's a group of comedians who have experienced mental illness and use this as an opportunity to share their experiences in a very funny way. I've been to something similar in the Bader, and it was honestly one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Stay tuned for more on mental health awareness this month!
- Mark

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Tune Your Brain - Peak Performance for Students

Anyone who missed last week's seminar, or would like a copy for their use can find Dr. Taverna's slides through my highly underdeveloped web page:


P.S. If the webpage changes I will do my best to edit the link above.

Monday 24 September 2012

Feed Your Mind

Hey Everyone,
It's been almost a week since our last event and we already have another in the works. The second in our series of seminars on the science of studying is called Feed Your Mind and is lead by Mary Scourboutakos, a vic alum who is now pursuing her masters with the Department of Nutritional Sciences. She will be sharing her knowledge about what (and how) to eat to maximize your GPA!

Join us in EM119 at 4pm on Tuesday October 2nd.

Also notes from the last session will be available shortly (you can't upload pdf files to blogger)! So I need to upload it to my UofT webspace or another first.


Thursday 20 September 2012

To all our LGBTQ commuter students, this is just a quick reminder that Queer Orientation begins on St. George campus today! You can check out all the events here:

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Office Hours Change

Mark Duncan will be unable to attend his office hours from 4-6pm on the 19th due to a conflicting appointment. He will be making these up at a later date this month. To set up an appointment with him this week email mark.duncan(at)

Monday 17 September 2012

Academic Performance Booster Reminder!

Hey Everyone,
Just a quick reminder that we have a very special session for everyone tomorrow (Tuesday) in EM119 at 4pm on improving your academic performance. More info is in the previous post.

The facebook page is here:

- Mark

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Upcoming Events (Yea yea)

Hey Everybody! I just want to put some events on your radar that I wish I had the opportunity to go to in my first year (and fourth!). Both are conveniently located in EM119 (that's Emmanuel College):  

1) Victoria College Commuter Connections - Mentorship Program Kick-off  

If you are new to Vic and would like to meet some senior students at the college and in your program this is the right place to be on a Friday evening. We have a group of 2nd-4th year students who would love to share their wisdom and guidance with some first year students in the Victoria College Commuter Connections program! So if you want a leg up in your studies and social experience come check us out in EM119 on Friday September 14th. Dinner is provided (BONUS!!!)

 Facebook details:

2) Tune Your Brain - Maximum Academic Performance 

On Tuesday Sept 18th at 4pm in EM119 we will be hosting a very special seminar lead by UofT grad and neuroscientist Dr. Franco Taverna. He will be leading a short seminar on performance enhancement in academics, specifically he will be teaching scientifically proven techniques to increase your performance on tests. Everyone is welcome to join and light refreshments will be served.

The facebook page is here:

- Mark

Sunday 9 September 2012

Victoria College Commuter Connections

For any first year students living off campus who wouldn't mind meeting some people in their program of study and receiving some guidance & study tips from upper year students, Vic is now offering a mentor program. If that sounds like something you'd be interested in you can sign up here:

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Mark's Commuting Pro-Tip #1

Hi Everyone,
As I write this I’m currently sitting in the Commuter Lounge (Birge Carnegie 4 FYI) doing my very first office hours of the year.  As part of Orientation each of us will be doing a very special 1h office hour for anyone who would like to visit their commuter dons before the school year begins. If you missed me but still want to see one of us, you’ll be able to Visit Katie tomorrow (Wednesday) from 1:30-2:30pm, or Christianne on Thursday from 12pm-1pm in the Commuter Lounge.

It’s kind of a rainy day so I can’t blame anyone who has voted to stay inside rather than venture out into tumultuous Toronto today. However, some of you – like me –had no choice and better yet, you had to walk through a torrential downpour because the TTC is fickle at best (15min wait at Spadina & Dundas are you kidding me). So those of you who are sopping wet and still out and about I applaud you and empathize all too well. There are, however, ways to at least mitigate the downsides of weather and other unexpected events, which just involves a little bit of preparation – what I like to call my commuter preparedness kit (CPK).
Your CPK may vary from day to day, and some of what I recommend may not benefit everyone but this is what I’ve found useful: 

1) Pair of extra socks – good for rain days
2) Pair of extra underwear
3) Extendable umbrella 
4) TTC tokens/$20 bill for emergency transport
5) Plastic Bag for wets 
6) Travel package of wet-wipes (available at shoppers drugmart) 
7) Travel Package of Facial Tissue 
8) Tylenol (Optionally compliment with: Tylenol Cold & Sinus)
9) Bandages (for blisters and random cuts)
10) Tide to go stick

With these 10 items tucked away in your backpack you’re pretty much able to MacGuyver your way out of almost anything and all-in-all it takes up very little space.

Now if you’re feeling really fancy or if you’re doing a lot of extracurriculars I recommend renting a locker somewhere.  Vic has a bunch of lockers available for rent through VUSAC. I personally prefer to rent at one of the gyms because it’s closer to my classes and it reminds me to go to work-out. If you do decide to grab some real estate on campus I’d recommend keeping an extra shirt and an extra pair of pants on campus. Nothing ruins your day like having to wear a shirt all day with a coffee stain on it from the ride in.

That’s all I have for now. If this is your first year commuting, I wish you luck and I hope that this pro-tip helps. If you’re a veteran commuter let me know if there’s anything you personally like to keep in your CPK that I may have missed.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Last Office Hour Reflections

Hey guys! Matteo here,

As I begin my last office hour (and the last scheduled office hour for the current Commuter Don team) I cannot help but reflect on what a great year we've had together as well as get excited in anticipation for what I'm sure will be even bigger and better things to come next year and beyond!

We hope you have found something positive in the programs and services we've offered you this year - be it through attending one of our events, seeking guidance on a particular issue, or simply stopping by the office or Lounge for a friendly chat. I know we have had a wonderful time being your Commuter Dons over the past 7 months and we hope you feel the same.

We would like to thank all those who have offered constructive feedback as to what worked and what didn't work with the Commuter Don Program this year. The Commuter Dons are still a relatively new initiative here at Victoria University and we have taken your feedback into account and are hoping to further shape this evolving program in response to your appraisals, grievances, and suggestions.

We are leaving you in more than capable hands and I am confident that next year's Commuter Don Team - in the form of Mark Duncan, Katie Johns, and Christianne Johnson - will do great things with the Program, furthering the initiatives started by their precursors while at the same time introducing some of their own - including facilitating the new and exciting Victoria Commuter Connections Program.

While the new team does not officially start their term until September, this is the last week of employ for the current Commuter Dons. We hope you all have a studious exam season and a relaxing and enjoyable summer break. This year has been a blast for us and we are excited and eager to see the Commuter Don Program continue to evolve and expand in the years to come.


Matteo Pirri
Jennifer Banh
Ekaterina Turlova
2011/2012 Commuter Don Team

Wednesday 28 March 2012


Hey guys,

THIS Thursday (i.e. tomorrow) YOUR Commuter Dons are hosting a FREE milkshake making do-it-yourself workshop!

The event will be taking place from 4 PM - 6 PM in the Commuter Lounge. This will be the last mini-social event we put on for the year so be sure to come on out!

Monday 19 March 2012

Life After Vic: Humanities Reception

Event date: Wednesday, March 21, 2012, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Location: EM 119

Life After Vic: Humanities Reception
On March 21, 2012, Victoria College students are invited to the  Humanities Edition of Life After Vic.
Life After Vic is a professional networking opportunity for students who are thinking about their next steps. Students are able to meet and mingle with recent Victoria College graduates who studied Humanities during their time at Victoria College and learn about their paths after their time as Victoria College students.

Refreshments will be served.
This event is FREE and is open to ALL Vic students.

To register, click HERE

Alumni who are attending:

Stephanie Hamilton Vic 0T5
Senior Manager of Communications at Scotia Bank

Elivra Labate Vic 0T5
Producer at Cossette

David Jermyn Vic 0T5
Producer at Castlewood Productions Inc.

Anita Gower Vic 9T5
Associate Manager, Integrated Marketing Communications at Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation

Ginny Arnott-Wood Vic 7T8
Wealth Advisor

Tuesday 6 March 2012

Victoria Commuter Connections Program

Victoria College is starting a Commuter Mentorship Program next year - the Victoria Commuter Connections Program (VCCC) - and we are looking for mentors!

Program Description:

VCCC has been created to address the challenges that arise for students making the transition from high school to university studies. The program is designed to guide students in their efforts to achieve their academic, social and personal goals as a new university student.

The program will support the unique needs of first year commuter students and will provide participants with the opportunity to learn and grow through guidance, communication and leadership of a supportive community.

The mentors will serve as an anchor and a guide to the mentees; helping the mentees overcome the challenges of first year with careful guidance and positive support. Mentors help students by listening, providing feedback, providing information and support, encouraging and inspiring, and sharing relevant knowledge.
Mentors will be paired up and assigned a group of 4-5 mentees in the same area of residence and general area of study. Mentor pairs will be assigned to one commuter don who will be their support.

The commitment of being a mentor is 5-10 hours a month starting in September 2012.

As a mentor you will be expected to:
- Have a CGPA of +2.0
- Submit an application Thursday, March 22, 2012
- Attend the Mentor Hiring Carousel on Friday, March 23 or Saturday, March 24
- Attend New Leader Day on Saturday, March 31, 2012
- Attend Mentor Training on Friday, September 14, 2012
- Attend monthly Victoria College Commuter Connections sessions
- Submit monthly reports to the commuter dons
- Meet with commuter dons twice a semester
- Meet with your mentees at least once month

Click HERE for the application and please visit the Victoria University website for more information.

Applications are due Thursday, March 22, 2012.

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Lounging Postponed!

Due to scheduling difficulties (i.e. grad photos occupying the Commuter Lounge), Lounging will be postponed this week and will resume NEXT Thursday from 4pm - 6pm.

Sorry for the inconvenience! We hope to get Lounging back on with consistency soon!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Let's Talk at Vic: Mental Health Awareness

Did you know that 1 in 5 Canadian are affected by mental illness, and many are afraid to ask for help because of the stigma surrounding it. So let's talk about it and create an environment where we are informed and not afraid to have a conversation about mental health.

Come out and engage in fun interactive workshops and yoga that will help you become aware about mental health, and also learn about ways to keep yourself and people around you mentally healthy

Refreshments will be served and yoga mats will also be provided!

When: Thursday, February 16th 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Where: Alumni Hall, Old Vic

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Mid-Term Overnight Study Space!

Due to the popularity of the overnight study space during traditional exam time, Vic is expanding the program for the mid-term season as well!

Burwash Dining Hall will be open for overnight studying for all Vic students on the listed days (below).Vic recognizes that it is sometimes a challenge and an added stress to find space for group study and even for individual late-night study. Snacks and beverages are available, and the hall will be staffed all night!

Free overnight study space will be available the week before Reading Week:...

Tuesday, February 14
Wednesday, February 15

...and after Reading Week:

Monday, February 27
Tuesday, February 28
Wednesday, February 29

Burwash Dining Hall will be open until 7 AM on each of the days indicated.

Friday 3 February 2012

Commuter Don Survey!

Hey guys!

Please take a couple minutes to fill out this brief survey relating to the Commuter Don position. We'd love to know what you think and value your feedback! You'll also have a chance to win a $10 Tim Hortons gift card (there will be 3 winners). It's a short 10-question survey so you'll be done in no time at all!

Click here to take the survey.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Commuter Don 2012/2013 Applications!

The applications for next year's Don Team can now be found on the Victoria College website.

Apply today!

Sunday 22 January 2012


After an unfortunate two-week delay, Lounging in the Lounge is coming back THIS WEEK on a new date and time!

Lounging will now be taking place weekly, EVERY Thursday from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM, with the first one this semester occurring THIS January 26th!

Cookies, tea, and coffee will be provided (as always)!

We hope to see you there!

Want our jobs?

If you're interested in applying to be a Commuter Don for the 2012/2013 year, you may be interested in attending an informative information session we are holding to assist you with the whole process!

On Thursday, February 5 from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM the Commuter Dons will be available to answer any questions you may have regarding what the position entails!

There will be two information sessions, one at 4:15 PM and another at 5:15 PM and they'll be held in the Commuter Lounge (BC 4). 

Refreshments will be provided!

Sunday 8 January 2012

Welcome back!

Welcome back commuters! We hope you had a restful holiday break!

We would like to note a few changes that the Commuter Dons are undergoing this semester:
  • Ekaterina's office hours are changing from Mondays, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM to Mondays, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Jennifer's office hours are changing from Thursdays, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM to Tuesdays, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM 
  • "Lounging in the Lounge" will no longer be taking place on Mondays, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM with a replacement time TBA. 
We are also in the process of organizing a lot of exciting and interesting events that will be held throughout the semester and information about these events will be posted once it becomes available!